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Debi U.

Thanks for pointing out the truth of our Sovereign God - and yes, we are all deserving of any judgment handed out to us. I noticed a similarity between yourself and Kevin and myself and Erin. You just become irritated and Kevin gets downright mad (!), whereas Erin and I feel compassion and sympathy for the lost (anyway I do most of the time!). They are lost, so they aren't going to think any other way - Lord have mercy on them and draw them to You, right?


I get irritated with people like that too. It seems like they are almost willingly blind (If you don't get that, ask me sometime...)

Must get it from my dad.


Its hard relating to the lost sometimes. They are responsible for their sin, just like everyone else. But, they are "dead in their sins" and just plain "don't get it." Our job is to speak the truth in love and ask God to change their wicked hearts (like He did for us). Pray for a harvest, and then be willing to "work in the field."

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