We arrived back in Pleasanton on Sunday evening after spending the last two weeks on vacation. Needless to say, we were glad to be back at home. The vacation was nice, but everyone was glad to get back to the “normal life.” Savannah began to get homesick for Pleasanton after about 10 days. She would whine a lot about wanting to go back home. I started asking her if she missed various people in Pleasanton, just to test her. “Do you miss Amber, Lynnae, Kathy, Caleb, etc., etc.?” I named almost everyone in the church and she said yes on all except one. I asked her, “Do you miss Kevin?” Her response: “NO, but I do miss Debi.” Sorry Kevin. But, she was smiling when she said it, so maybe she was just joking…(but then again...maybe not).
Andrew, on the other hand, was quite content in Oklahoma and not really eager to get back. Two weeks of riding Grandma’s horse, fishing, camping, going to the fair, and overall “spoil-ation” by grandparents, aunts, and uncles--suited him just fine. But by Sunday, he too was ready to get back to his friends. Neither Andrew or Savannah said much on the way home, until we got to Fort Scott---then all of the sudden the “lights came on” and they got excited because they recognized where we were. Its probably the only time in human history when two people were actually “excited” to see Fort Scott.
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While we were gone, I did write a couple of blogs. But for the most part I stayed away from the computer. Many of my blogs spring out of my work in studying for sermons so two weeks out of the pulpit left me “blog-less.” But that should change this week. I’ve been immersed in the study of 1 John and I’m looking forward to starting the series on Sunday. What a powerful book! I don’t know if you can study it without being changed in one way or another (encouraged, angered, etc.).
I’ve also been continuing to study the book of Acts for our Wednesday night Bible Study. In this week’s episode---Revival breaks out in Ephesus (Acts 19)--and a demon possessed guy whoops 7 brothers. To hear more, you’ll have to be at the church at 7:30 tonight.
In closing, I want to say thanks to everyone who “held down the fort” while I was away. It was good to be away. But it’s even better to be back home…….Until next time…
We're glad you're back, too. We missed all of you and I'm glad to see Savannah favors me over Kevin - one of many I'm sure! We appreciate your ministry here so much - welcome home!
Posted by: Debi | October 11, 2006 at 05:37 PM