What looks like a dinosaur, has wings, has a large growth in its throat, and has something to do with Revelation? Give up? One of the “horses” of the Apocalypse, as drawn by Brian in a game of Bible Pictionary. Wanna try another one?: What looks like fire, has flames shooting into the sky, and is red? Give up? Moses parting the Red Sea, (as drawn by Kolbee). One more----What is tall and has 5 squiggly lines coming out of it? Answer? The Tower of Babel (as drawn by Harold). OK---one more---What do you call an embryo driving a lopsided chuck wagon? Answer--Elijah riding on a Chariot of fire (again, thanks to Brian). Alright, I’ll admit, my art work isn’t any better. In fact I noticed that NO ONE (except maybe Mary Jo) had the ability to draw an animal. They all kind of looked like blobs of goo with legs sticking out and we were supposed to guess if it was a camel, donkey, horse, or pig. But that’s all part of the fun of a roaring game of Bible Pictionary. Saturday night we celebrated Pastor Appreciation month by having a “game night” at the church. Lynnae served as “game show host” to our modified version of Pictionary. In our game, all of the cards had Bible scenes, and it was our job to draw them, without using words, in such a way that our teammates could guess what it was. Yes, I admit, my team lost: 27 ½ to 27 (or something like that)---Though “Team 2” didn’t win because of their knowledge so much as because of their “bonus points” for singing “Zaccheus was a wee little man.” One thing is for certain---anyone who says Christians don’t know how to have fun should see our church embroiled in a game of Bible Pictionary. If you had walked in off the street you may have thought we were having a keg party---there was laughing, singing, a lot of hollering, more laughing, and even some crying (from all the laughing). So what was the point of Saturday night? The point was a church family getting together and having fun in the name of Christ----otherwise known as “fellowship” or is it “socializing” or is it both? In Sunday morning’s sermon, I spoke of the difference between “fellowship” and “socializing.” Socializing involves people getting together with other people and having fun. Fellowship is getting together and enjoying one another’s company, in a spiritual way. Socializing isn’t necessarily bad, but its not the same as fellowship. Socializing is sometimes needed. Fellowship is NECESSARY to the life of a church. In many ways, game night was like the church campout. It was just intended to be fun. There wasn’t a Bible Study or a worship service. But there was a lot of love in the Spirit being shared. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. It felt very much like a “family gathering” which is really how all church functions should be. Some family members have been in the family for decades, others for only months, but they should all feel apart, welcome, and loved. That’s what we experienced Saturday night, and what we need to cultivate more and more in our church. We need the days of fellowship, so we will know and love each other enough to get through the days of trial. Families laugh together…..and when dark days come, families cry together. We’ve experienced both in the past, and we will experience even more in the future. But just think…a day is coming in which we as Christians, along with all other Christians, will enjoy perfect and eternal fellowship in Heaven….with each other, and more importantly…with GOD! This IS the gospel. Fellowship with GOD the Father, through Jesus the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Fellowship with Perfection, granted to people who are completely without perfection. Fellowship with a Perfect Creator, granted to His imperfect creatures. God gives us more, WAY MORE than we deserve….yet he continues to bless us. He blesses us with His Presence in worship. And for those days when we need the “physical touch” he provides us with fellowship in the Spirit, through each other. Until that day of perfect fellowship in Heaven, we need to enjoy as much fellowship as we can on Earth. We need to enjoy each other’s company. We need to spend time together and love each other like a family. We need to laugh, and cry, and play, and sing together. We need. We NEED. We need…..each other. Its how we were designed. Its part of God’s plan. And when true “fellowship” happens….its beautiful to be apart of. Regardless of whether it happens at a “game night” or a “camp out” or a “carry in dinner” or in the Great Throne Room of our Lord. Heaven is coming. But until it does…let’s carry on in the “fellowship” of the Spirit for as many days as HE gives us together...on the Earth.
I too enjoyed the time we all shared together sat. We are so blessed to have such a close church family, i hope it will stay that way until we are once again reunited with our Lord and Savior
Thank You so much for being such a devoted Pastor to your congregation.
Posted by: Annie | October 23, 2006 at 03:16 PM
I wish I could have gone. That sounds like it was alot of fun.
But, I had a good time too. I finally placed in the top 5!!!I got 2nd both days in poles and now I am 12th in the state in pole bending!!!!!
Posted by: Alex | October 24, 2006 at 04:33 PM
Yeah, you missed a good time Saturday Alex...but I'm glad to hear you're doing good with your OTHER fun stuff. Congratulations and keep up the good work.....AND Annie: thanks for the kind words.
Posted by: Shane | October 24, 2006 at 06:35 PM