“Woe unto those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe unto those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight!” (Isaiah 5:20-21)
Debates rage in America. That’s one of the things that makes our country great…the freedom to disagree on issues. But why does disagreement occur? Because people have different ideas of what’s right and what’s wrong. Of course right and wrong are not decided by people…right and wrong is determined by God and revealed to us through His Word.
Here’s a hypothetical question for you: If a politician proposed a new law making it legal to kill a 2 year old, would anyone be upset? The thought is unimaginable. Everyone would oppose such an evil. What about if we lowered the age to 1 year old. Is there still an outcry? What about 1 DAY old? What about younger than that? Undoubtedly you can see where I’m going with this.
Child murder (also known as abortion) is evil. Whether the child is inside the womb or outside the womb is completely irrelevant. There really is no defense for such barbaric practices. So why is it debated in our country? I think Isaiah answers the question for us in the above verse. Abortion is defended, and even praised because some people in our country call darkness, light and call light, darkness.
Often times, child murder (also known as abortion), is hidden in sweet, compassionate sounding phrases like, “a women’s right to choose” or “pro-choice” or “planned parenthood.” It sounds so nice. It sounds so honorable. It sounds so much like Isaiah 5:23 “Woe to those who take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!” It sounds so positive, and yet it is pure evil.
One of the areas in which this debate is so heated right now is stem cell research. In a recent article, conservative pundit Michael Reagan (click here for article) pointed out that “embryonic stem cell” research, which involves destroying “embryos” (also known as children), has not shown very much promise for curing any diseases. Furthermore, the practice is currently legal in America, and none of the election initiatives are seeking to change that. The main election question is whether or not GOVERNMENT FUNDING should be used for the practice. The obvious answer is NO. If you want to kill innocent children, then do it on your own dime. Reagan points out that, since the practice is perfectly legal, drug companies would be more than happy to pay for the research…IF there was really any chance that it would lead to cures. After all, it would be a good investment for drug companies, who would ultimately get very rich from the cures. Apparently, ADULT stem cells have been used to treat various diseases and therefore receive adequate funding from the private drug companies. Embryonic stem cell research has been shown to cure NOTHING, and since the drug companies don’t want to waste their money …Politicians, Hollywood actors, and Liberal Activists are pushing for GOVERNMENT FUNDED embryonic stem cell research. Now for a personal diatribe…
Am I the only one in the world who is tired of seeing Hollywood liberals portrayed as heroes for their warped and depraved political views? One example is Michael J. Fox, who is ballyhooed all over the media because of his “courageous” fight against Parkinson’s disease and his “tireless efforts” to secure funding for research. His efforts might really be considered “heroic” if it wasn’t for one RATHER LARGE tidbit…..MICHAEL J. FOX HAS PARKINSON’S DISEASE! Do you see my point? Fox never cared about Parkinson’s disease, until 1991 when he was diagnosed with it. Now, all the sudden, he’s a “heroic” crusader because he’s fighting for a cure . Here’s the facts that NO ONE is allowed to say because of the fear of being “insensitive” (though Limbaugh came close). FACT: Michael J. Fox is campaigning to kill tiny children and use their bodies for research, so he can have a better quality of life. Right or Wrong? Is that heroic? Or is that unbelievably selfish? Is he a crusader, or does that border on diabolical? If I told you I wanted to kill your 2-year old and do research on his corpse so that I could possibly cure my Acid Reflux disease, would you consider me a hero, or a villain? Now, lower the child’s age (embryo), change the disease (Parkinson’s) and change it from me to Michael J. Fox. Is he a hero or a villain? Its unfortunate that he has Parkinson’s. All diseases are sad. But just because you have a disease doesn’t give you the right to kill children to look for a cure.
The late Christopher Reeves (a.k.a. Superman) fell into the same category as Michael J. Fox. Reeves was praised for his heroic crusades to find a cure for paralysis. And when did he start giving a flip about paralysis? About 2 seconds after he fell off his horse and became paralyzed. He spent the rest of his days campaigning for embryonic stem cell research (a.k.a.---killing small babies and using their corpses for research) so that he might be able to walk and ride his horse again…..and amazingly, in our warped country…..HE WAS PRAISED FOR IT!
I know my views may appear insensitive at first…but they’re REALLY not. I’m in favor of doing research to find cures for diseases. I hope they find a cure for Parkinson’s, and paralysis, and cancer, and the common cold, etc., etc. I just don’t support killing innocent children in the process. I’m also tired of seeing the Hollywood types hog the cameras and get praised for their selfish desires to be cured….BY KILLING INNOCENT CHILDREN. That’s not heroic…its sick. And it needs to be pointed out. So…I’ve now pointed it out to the 13 people who read my blog…
Now is the time of year to ask the questions that matter most. No issue is more important than the protection of innocent life. All people, regardless of their political affiliation should agree on that, but sadly they don’t. Please don’t defend evil by using sweet sounding jargon . Don’t defend infanticide by calling it “research.” And don’t listen to politicians, actors, activists, or anyone else that does. Remember Isaiah’s words, “Woe unto those who call evil good, and good evil.” (Isaiah 5:20)
Let me say this: AMEN! Preach it Shane. Great blog and I find it hard to believe a newspaper will print this. But I am thankful that they will. The means (destroying innocent life) never justifies the end (me having a better life).
Posted by: Joe Tolin | November 02, 2006 at 06:03 PM
Wow - all I can say is Amen and what a way to put it. So true, so true, sadly so, that eyes are closed to the truth and lives are taken because of it. Before I was saved, I fell into that category thinking (or trying to make myself believe) that it was just a blob and not a baby. Thank you God for opening my eyes.
Posted by: Debi | November 03, 2006 at 12:55 PM