Currently in Kansas we have a fight brewing over abortion and the “mental health” clause. In Kansas, abortions are illegal after the 22nd week, UNLESS the mother’s health is at stake. More specifically, you can kill the baby IF “continuing the pregnancy could kill the mother or create a ‘substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.’” (taken from The Kansas City Star website, accessed 1/28/07) The Supreme Court has ruled in the past that any health exception MUST include “mental health.” Consequently, in Kansas, famed abortionist George Tiller of Wichita has performed numerous LATE TERM abortions on women who were “depressed” over being pregnant. For all practical purposes, a “clause” in the law like one for mental health eliminates the law altogether. If you can kill the baby because you’ve got the "blues," then all you need is a doctor to diagnose you with the “blues” and you’ve got legal permission to kill your baby. Convenient isn’t it?
Do you want to know a fact about abortion that the “pro-death” camp doesn’t want you to know? Here it is……women who have abortions suffer FAR GREATER, DEEPER, AND MORE DAMAGING mental health BECAUSE OF having an abortion than they would have if they had just had the baby. Whether you like it or not…..mothers are designed to care for their young….not butcher them. When a mother, who is designed to love her baby, decides for whatever reason to abort……something deep within her screams, “THIS IS WRONG!” Scores of women have ended up mentally scarred and in therapy because of abortion. Abortion is NOT in the best interest of women or babies. It messes up your body, and it messes up your mind. Of course you’ll never hear this from the radical, militant, feminist movement that fights so hard for the woman’s right to kill.
In the abortion debate, the first item that needs to be determined is this: Is the pregnant women carrying a human or not? If it's just a a mass of tissue, then by all means, remove it. But if it’s a human, then it has rights under the law and he/she should be protected. In all honesty, ultrasound technology ENDED this debate years ago. Even the rankest liberal has to concede that the “thing” growing in the pregnant woman’s uterus is a PERSON. Typically the fact that this mass of tissue has fingers and toes, and hands and feet, and a brain, and a beating heart, etc., etc. give this away. Tissue or Person?
Once personhood is established (and clearly it is), then we must determine if there are ANY CIRCUMSTANCES by which that person can legally be killed. Some argue for a “life of the mother clause” by which an abortion can be performed if the mother is dying and the only way to save her is by an abortion. Incidentally this situation almost NEVER happens. But if it does….how do you decide which life to save? Do you decide based on age? Gender? Answer: You DON’T decide. You CAN’T decide. You try to save them both….and then leave it in God’s Hands.
Just think of trying to use this argument to justify the murder of a 2-year old. Now THEY will really test a mother’s mental health. What if a stressed out Mother blows away her two-year old child? Is that OK? Of course not. But what if her “health” was at stake? Then it’s OK to kill the kid, right? Or course not. What would we suggest she do? Maybe give the kid to a relative or up for adoption….anything but murder. Now subtract 25 months from the kids life…….he’s NOW free game. Momma can LEGALLY kill this human for the sake of her health, as long as he’s young enough to be “womb bound.” That’s kind of sick, isn’t it?
Some folks want to push a little farther than a “life of the mother” clause and make it a “health of the mother” clause. Obviously this is dangerous for the reasons already cited. No matter what ailment Mommy has, she could blame it on the baby and easily find a doctor to back her up….and legally exterminate the child. Incidentally a true “health of the mother” situation seldom happens. Of the 47 million abortion performed since 1973, 93% were simply abortion on demand. They didn’t involve the mother’s life or health, NOR did they involve rape or incest. They were just cold-blooded murders….of the legal variety.
In Kansas, Attorney General Phill Kline had investigated George Tiller, and was planning to file charges. In fact Kline DID file charges only to have a Judge dismiss them the next day. Not only has Tiller performed late term abortions, he has also performed abortions on girls as young as 13….without turning any information over to the authorities. Of course if a 13 year old gets pregnant, then a crime has been committed….at the very least its statutory rape…..and most likely its child abuse of some sort. Does Tiller care? It appears not. Does the Wichita judge care? It appears not. But Phill Kline did. Unfortunately, 60% of the people of Kansas DID NOT. In November they elected Democrat Paul Morrison with approximately 60% of the vote. Morrsion quickly announced that he would not be investigating Tiller any further….and now we can all kick back and relax knowing our state is in the secure hands of a legal professional that doesn’t care one iota about babies being killed….legally or illegally.
Am I being too harsh? I don’t think so. I think this is an important enough issue that Christians need to stand up and speak out. Ridiculous clauses to the abortion laws make a mockery of justice. Babies deserve a right to life, regardless of the circumstances by which they are conceived. Regardless of the mental state of the birth mother. Regardless of how bad feminists want them dead. But who will defend the babies that CANNOT defend themselves? Not Paul Morrison. Not Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama? Very few within the Democratic Party are willing to go against the party’s platform of infanticide, though there are a few that CLAIM to be pro-life. Time (and their voting record) will tell. Even several Republicans favor abortion rights. So WHO will defend the defenseless? God will. God’s people should. I will…..and I hope YOU will too.
Sometimes I wonder if all of the people who decide that it is ok to kill innocent babies have children, because you look out there and see how many people want to have children and can't, I think if some of them had the same problem it wouldn't be so easy for them to give these innocent babies a death sentence. If i didn't know that God will judge and punish the immoral people of this world then it would be so hard to go on with life, however THAT IS A PROMISE HE MADE AND A PROMISE HE WILL INDEED KEEP AMEN!!!
Posted by: Annie | January 30, 2007 at 09:04 AM
Slow in reading your blog - it all boils down to the fact it seems to me that if you can somehow make yourself believe it's not really a human life at conception, only a blob of matter, then your conscience is clear (so you tell yourself). I know this personally because before I was born again, this is how I thought. I've never had an abortion and had alot of trouble getting pregnant, and obviously never had an unwanted pregnancy, but there were times when I didn't DIScourage someone from having one and I will have to live with that sin - I know I'm forgiven, but the pain of knowing what I DIDN'T do will always be there. I don't know if it was because of my lack of a personal relationship with the Lord or just being stupid and swayed by what I heard (which obviously wasn't coming from any Christians at the time). But now it's almost impossible to believe I ever thought that way. My prayer is definitely that there will be NO abortions, no matter what the reason.
Posted by: Debi U. | February 02, 2007 at 10:38 PM