This might be the most asinine story I’ve ever seen. This Friday on ABC’s 20/20, Barbara Walters will open the world’s eyes to the difficult life experienced by “transgender” children, through a report called, "My Secret Self: A Story of Transgender Children." Barbara will be talking with the Grant family. Mom, Dad, daughter Allie, and Allie’s twin sister “Riley” who is biologically a boy named Richard. Sound strange? It gets worse. As Allie and Richard began to get older, Richard desperately wanted to play with Allie’s toys. He was attracted to “girl stuff,” he wanted to wear dresses and play with dolls and have tea parties. At first glance, this doesn’t really appear to be that big of a deal. After all, if Allie is the more dominant personality, there’s a good chance that she will dictate what and how they play. It seems the real problem comes when Richard is unable to transition from a temporary play time to a permanent way of life. Richard wanted to be a girl. As he got older he would pray that God would make his “boy part” disappear, but it never happened. He told his Mommy that “God made a mistake.” In reality, God DIDN’T make a mistake….but at this point, Mommy made a HUGE one. As Walters reports, Mommy began to give in to Richard’s requests. She would let him have “girl time.” She bought him dresses and dolls and let him act like a girl, while Daddy wasn’t around. In other words she began to turn her son into a gelding behind her husband’s back. When Dad found out, he was upset…..but we all know that masculine common sense is entirely unwelcome in our modern and over-sensitive world. You can see it coming…Dad is seen as “insensitive” and “overbearing” because he thinks his son should act like a boy…, as many men do nowadays, Dad gives in. Mom convinces him that they need to “nurture” their “son/daughter” and allow he/she to be what he/she really is. Without question, this is indeed a tragedy. Young Richard has a serious problem that needs to be dealt with. He’s confused, and he has homosexual tendencies which are not normal. He clearly needs some help. What SHOULD have happened when Daddy found out Mommy was buying Richard dresses is this. Daddy should have calmly “hit the roof” and told Mommy to stop the castration process immediately. Then Daddy should have sweetly and lovingly told little Richard to “go take that dress off, put on a pair of ratty blue jeans, and come with me to the Lake….we’re going fishing.” Richard’s problem is that he is WAY too influenced by females. Mommy and Sister are his role models rather than Daddy. Normally, it’s not a big deal because a lot of boys grow up admiring the females in their life, yet they don’t go so far as to want to be a woman because of it. However, Richard is one of those rare exceptions that have a problem. He needs help….NOT a new dress. In their defense, Richard’s parents did seek help. They were told that Richard suffered from “Gender Identity Disorder.” I don’t really have a problem with that. Clearly something is wrong with Richard. Whether or not it’s a “disease” could be debated because our society has now given a “disease” name for every sin under the sun. It’s our clever way of never having to take responsibility for our actions. What we used to call “wife-beating drunks” we now call men with “Anger Management Syndrome coupled with the disease of Alcoholism.” That way they can be called “victims” of an illness, rather than “sinners” in need of repentance. But that’s a blog for another day. Back to Richard. Let’s take it at face value that Richard has a “disease.” OK….so what’s the remedy. ANSWER (according to the authorities in this case)----let Richard act like a girl! When Richard’s parents approached his school principal…this was the solution. “Let him be who he really is. This will make him happy,” they said. Then, when he gets older, consider a sex-change operation. Brilliant advice, isn’t it? When my son was younger, he had an identity crises too……..he wanted to be a HORSE. He would run around the yard neighing and bucking. He would make clomping sounds and crawl around like an animal. That’s pretty normal behavior for a little boy. But once it came time to eat dinner, I would tell him that play time is over and he needed to act like a boy instead of a horse. I didn’t realize I was damaging his poor little psyche by not allowing him to be “who he really is.” I guess I should start having him wear a halter and make him sleep in a barn. I should start tying a wagon to him and have him pull it around town. Then, I’ll encourage him to eat hay and poop in the middle of the street. NOW, he can be who he REALLY IS. We can assume that God made a mistake because he created a horse trapped in a boy’s body. Maybe someday the same geniuses who came up with “sex change” surgery will develop a “species change” surgery and he can have some hooves surgically implanted on his hands and feet and start taking “horse hormones.” Sounds ludicrous doesn’t it? It’s the very same concept these parents are using for their “transgender” children. According to Walter’s report, most of these kids grow out of the phase. As they get older they decide to stay the gender they are….BUT 75% of them become homosexuals in adulthood. And THAT is the real issue involved here. Everyone who is honest will admit that it’s not normal to act like the other gender. But if we admit that, then we’re just one step away from also admitting that it’s not normal to be a homosexual either. And there’s NO WAY our country will do that today. Religious arguments aside, anyone who has studied basic Science can see that homosexuality is wrong. The body parts aren’t compatible, and the ability to reproduce is impossible. But make no mistake, the homosexual community in America has a radical agenda. They want to normalize their perversion…and labeling children as “transgender” is just another part of their grand scheme. The sad fact is that “Richard” is a real little boy who is confused and lost….and his parents, his principal, and the medical community has failed him. He will grow up with a much higher chance of depression and suicide. The media will claim it’s because of society ostracizing him for his identity. But in all honesty, his depression will stem from the fact that DEEP DOWN he knows he’s living a lie. He will live his life in the homosexual world and will have a far greater chance of catching sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. He is destined to suffer from severe emotional and physical problems…that may have been avoided if even a sliver of common sense had been used in his treatment. But common sense is lacking in America today. The truth is that even though Richard has changed his name to “Riley” and has started wearing dresses. He’s STILL a boy. He’ll grow to be a man, and then will likely have a “sex change” operation. He’ll die as a “women”….then he will stand before God as “Richard” and give an account of HIS life to God. In my opinion, Barbara Walters should be fired, along with Richard’s principal who gave the brilliant advice for Richard to start coming to school “as a girl.” They pretend like they have Richard’s best interest at heart…but they don’t. They have a radical social agenda they want to cram down America’s throat…and Richard is simply being sacrificed as a means to that end. You could also make a real case for child abuse with Richard’s parents who have encouraged his bizarre behavior. Let’s pray for Richard and his parents to awaken to the reality of what’s going on. And let’s pray for our country. If we continue to accept perversion as “normal”…then God’s judgment will be upon us. In fact it already is upon us. God is in the process of handing our Nation over to the depravity we have chosen. Morality is lacking, and common sense is no more. This story is simply the latest example of that. May God save our Country from itself, before it’s too late.
Well you said it all, and i feel the same way. How are the confused children who are struggling with homosexuality supposed to get the right answers if the infulences of this world are giving them their sinful answers, and their family's don't care what God wants them to do, those children will go with the flow and think that it is ok for their imorality and them fight to keep people from criticizing them for it. I too pray that this world would wake up before the judgement that we all deserve is given to us and there is no more time to say Today is NOT the day for me to change my evil ways. Let us all remember that Today Is The Day.
Posted by: Annie | April 27, 2007 at 09:48 AM
I totally agree with your assessment of this whole situation. As with any other news story, parts of it were probably left out so we would only get a skewed version of it to give these types of kids sympathy. Based on some of the things mentioned, there are obviously problems in this marriage that have not been worked out and the whole family is suffering as a result.
This father is a reflection of so many dads in our society today who are total wimps because of the anti-male feminist movement. They're afraid to stand up for what's right to avoid being nagged or called a chauvinist. Then there's this wife and mother who probably has spent many hours of her day watching Lifetime movies. I imagine she probably let her son watch them with her and he inadvertently started hating men and eventually himself.
Overall, I'd say these parents sound like the ones who appear on shows like "Nanny 911" who let their children run the household instead of the other way around.
Posted by: Harry Gaylord | April 27, 2007 at 08:44 PM
Your blog is full of prejudice. You clearly don't understand transgender. It has NOTHING to do with sex, it's about their perception of their own gender.
Why do you think there are many transgendered adults now fuming about how their parents mistreated them and disrespected them? To be frank, that's their parents' FAULT for ruining their lives.
Really, you come across as a true coward who's so frightened by challenges of few children wanting to be DIFFERENT from what you think they should be. You don't KNOW. You're not in their shoes and you have NO business to criticize them if you're not a parent of a transgendered child.
Posted by: happily non-transgendered | April 28, 2007 at 05:47 PM
You must not know or serve the same God I do.I wonder what qualifies you to claim the authority to preach and teach the Gospel? Have you read it??? You seem to have completely missed Jesus' messages of undonditional love and grace. How fortunate that even misguided, misinformed, ignorant, exclusionary, hatefilled people, are loved and forgiven by my God. For then, you can be assured that you will be. It is pastors like you who drive people away from God, who inflict immeasureable pain upon God's children, who separate people from the loving God who created them - IN HIS IMAGE. I pray for those who are victimized by your ministry. And I pray for you. May God forgive you.
Reverend Pamela H.Briddle, United Church of Christ (the loving One)
Posted by: Rev. Pamela H. Briddle | April 29, 2007 at 05:53 PM
Pastor Shane:
You are so right on target w/ this blog. I commend you for it. It shows that you are a "loving pastor" by confronting the issue & not embracing it. It shows true Godly character. At least you don't sweep it under the rug & act like it's ok because one day those pastors that embrace this will have to answer to the Lord for misleading their congregation. By the Lord's unconditional love & grace He can bring people out of this lifestyle w/ His almighty power. May God forgive the "Reverend Pam Briddle" for her eyes being blinded to the truth.
Posted by: Marilyn Michels | April 30, 2007 at 08:08 PM
I wonder what qualifies the Ms. Briddle to even discuss what the Bible teaches since she disregards its clear teachings on homosexuality?
She must have missed Jesus' teaching that unless sinners repent, they will perish as did those on whom the Tower of Siloam fell. Now THAT'S loving because it gives a warning to flee from the wrath to come.
Posted by: Jesse | May 02, 2007 at 06:25 PM