A "Hate Crimes" Bill is scheduled to be voted upon this week in the U.S. House of Representatives. Essentially it's a discriminatory bill that makes crimes committed against certain groups, including homosexuals, liable to greater punishment than others. While I would deplore any violent crime committed against a homosexual, I would equally deplore those crimes committed against anyone else. This bill would be the first step in criminalizing, not only violence, but also opinions which are unfavorable towards homosexuality.
This legislation is unnecessary, unconstitutional, and just plain silly. In response to it, I have written an email to our Democratic Representative Nancy Boyda, encouraging her to vote against it......Although up to now she has toed the Democratic line on other issues, and I'm told she plans to support this bill as well. Below, I've posted my letter to her. If you'd like her to know how you feel, click on this link for her contact information. Here's my letter to her: .........
Dear Rep. Boyda,
I am writing to you on behalf of myself and many in Linn County Kansas who are deeply disturbed by the upcoming Hate Crimes Legislation (HR 1592). While we all lament violence against any group of people, we cannot see how singling out any particular group to receive special standing in our nation's eyes is either wise nor Constitutional. In fact it seems rather clear that this discriminatory legislation could easily be the initial step in silencing our constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech on issues of morality that we deem vitally important.
As one of your constituents, I am encouraging you to go out on a limb and do the right thing (contra your political party) and oppose this dangerous legislation. We all want to see violent criminals punished to the fullest extent of the law. But we consider violent crimes to be equally deplorable, regardless of who the crime is committed against. Please do the right thing for Kansas, the 2nd district, and America at large and oppose this unnecessary, divisive, and indeed unconstitutional bill.
Yours truly,
Shane Kastler, Pastor
The First Christian Church of Pleasanton, KS
Shane, I sent a message to Rep. Boyda. I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears, but with the current tide lead by Polosi and others I'm pretty sure the ears are sewn shut.
I met the Republican candidate for 2nd District House, Lynn Jenkins, the other day. She is a bright spot for conservative Republicans - at least at this point. JT
Posted by: Jackie Taylor | May 02, 2007 at 03:39 PM