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Pastor David McKinley, hummm don't i know that name from somewhere? hahahaha i am so glad to once again hear pastor david speak the truth, i agree with you both on this matter and i hope that the death penalty will be used in this case as well as alot more cases, to show that crimes deserving of death will be enforced instead of just slapping them on the hand, and saying no no, bad boys or girls. I will never forget Pastor David, because it was God using him the first time i had stepped in a church in years who preached Gods word so straight, that God used it to peirce my heart and led me in the direction that God wanted me to be, i will be eternally greatful to all of the ministers of Gods word who will stand up for the truth and let his Holy word be preached in totallity, never watering it down. And God kept working on me even after David left, because he sent yet one more man who is not afraid to tell the TRUTH. Thank you God for the blessings you have given us AMEN!!!

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