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Marilyn Michels

Very good blog Shane!



Pastor Shane--

I am behind on the blog reading...I can see now why I'm reading this one today. I just had a "despairing even unto life" experience last week. I was wondering if, besides being here to love and mentor my children and to be a partner and helpmate to my husband, there is any other reason for me to stay here, on this earth. There is so much vileness, so much hatred of God and all of His goodness, so much lying...and just plain wickedness. The homosexual agenda is progressing and the hatred of those who love the Lord and speak His message of Truth is ever expanding in our "accepting" and "non-judgmental" society. I just wonder what God's plan is, or could possibly be, in such a world.
He's sovereign, in control, still Lord and on His throne...I know all that, but I ask myself just how difficult it's going to be to raise Godly children in such depravity. The Lord's strength alone will be my refuge...

I also ask myself "how can I impact this world for Christ when I'm just one person, and the world is so vile?" I know the answer to this also, but I do FEEL (key word here, since I know the truthful answers to these questions and still my emotions overwhelm me) as though all is already lost, and wish that the Lord would just take me home. But that is selfish and I know I have much work to do in the Lord's name before I go to be with Him. I just pray that I will be effective, and not waste my life as I see so many around me doing...

Sometimes hopeful, sometimes despairing, Audrey


You're definetly right about the world getting worse, (just as God said it would). I guess on the plus side, it will make us long that much more for Eternity, where we'll be in the very presence of Christ, and evil will be no more. When it's all said and done, the Lord must be our strength, so that we can endure, glorify Him, and share the gospel with the lost. They are truly the one's with NO HOPE...yet most of them don't realize, or don't care. But God can still change the cruelest of hearts. I also shudder at the thought of what this world will look like when my kids are grown. My son recently asked if he would be a "grandpa" someday. I told him that I sincerely hoped Jesus will have come back before then. It's hard to envision this world going on much longer in the condition it's in. Of course, only God knows when it will all end....But WHENEVER it ends...we know that perfect joy awaits those who are faithful in Christ. (Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Rev. 2:10) And ultimately, HE (Christ)is who gets us through the hard times, and gives us the power to look at the world through eternal eyes.
Take Care,

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