On Monday, we returned from our 2 week vacation in Oklahoma and it was great to be back in our own beds again. We enjoyed our time away as we were able to spend time with family, go to the Tulsa State Fair, go camping, and attend the Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis. This was the 3rd year that Erin and I have attended this conference and it is a highlight of our vacation everytime. This year's theme had to do with persevering in ministry; which is always a much needed message for any pastor and wife. John Macarthur, John Piper, Randy Alcorn, Jerry Bridges, and Helen Roseavere spoke about living the Christian life strong until the end of your life. The messages were great, the worship was great, and the time away was great.
I'm especially appreciative of our Youth Pastor Will Douglas who preached in my place on September 30. His message was a powerful word on Dealing With Sin from Psalm 51. I have the audio of his message on this site under the "recent sermons" on the right hand side. Thanks Will for so amply feeding the flock.
I also appreciate Tim Smith, from Calvary Bible College, who filled in for me on October 7. Tim has preached in my place several times before and always does a great job. This time was no exception as Tim spoke on the Sovereignty of God.
This past Sunday, I preached on the 7th commandment "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery." And plan to spend the next 3 weeks finishing up the 10 commandments. We still have to deal with stealing, lying, and coveting---so it should be interesting.
Once again---it was great to be on vacation---but it's also great to be back in Pleasanton. Now we can get back to our "normal" life......Whatever THAT is.
It's great to have you guys back!
Marilyn Michels
Posted by: Marilyn Michels | October 15, 2007 at 08:07 AM