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That is the common interpretation of this verse. However there is another meaning that I believe is more accurate. It takes some fortitude to find it and hold to it among evangelicals today. But, I believe doing so will increase a ministry's emphasis on grace and faith.


As a follow-up and not meaning to be caustic. Does anyone really ever exhibit a full obedience to all those questions? Where is the assurance if those questions have to be evaluated every day?

I believe it's better to encourage people to base their assurance on, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." This is what Paul said to the Philippian jailer.

If the "object" of someones faith is Jesus Christ, they will have assurance. If their object is their obedience they will always have doubt.

(quotes from your article listed just so you know which aspects I'm discussing)

"Follow Jesus as Lord, and be saved. Don’t live in blissful ignorance. Examine you heart and your life.

Do you really love Jesus?

Are you truly committed to following Him everyday?

Do you have a love for other people?

Do you have a desire to share the gospel of Christ with those who don’t know Him?"

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