« Like Sheep To The Slaughter................... They Go After Obama | Main | For Crying Out Loud... Just SPANK 'Em! »


brian k

BY Gods grace im ready to stand for truth, no matter the opposition. We deserve all that is coming and the sheep will be seperated from the goats. the sheeps will endure, the goats will fall away. in spite the disappoinment, i do praise God that the
democratics did not get a Phillibuster, that would had been bad. I also praise God for how all three of the liberal laws failed in california.


I have been thinking the same thing as far as the only hope this country has is the salvation of its citizens, and mainly Obama. Thank you for standing strong for the truth and I pray that I always will, too

Scott Tibbetts

This was a thoughtful article I read after the election:http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/thomas110608.php3

Also, I think maybe you noted somewhere that blacks voted 99% for Obama. But usually the black vote is 90% for democrat (I think), so maybe only 9% were voting for Obama simply because of race.

Yes, thanks for the admonition to pray for our leaders!

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