Yesterday New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed into law a bill that would ban “gay conversion therapy” for minors in his state. This is a very troubling move by the governor and should raise alarm on both sides of the political aisle, regardless of what your views of homosexuality are. If Americans still longed for freedom as they once did; this bill would have never been passed and certainly never signed into law. Here's why.
Anytime the government “bans” anything; the public should stop and think about whether or not the government should have the power to exude such force. Is this a ban against harming another citizen? Or is this “thought”control? The fact that a state legislature and a governor take upon themselves the power to use the law to dictate what a counselor can or cannot say to their counselee is a frightening strike against liberty. But such gross government overreach has now become the norm from Republicans and Democrats alike. Sadly, most Americans today support dictatorships. If the dictator opposes their views, they oppose him. But if the dictator will enforce their views; they will gladly support him. Those who love liberty should support no dictator; even if they agree with his politics. Should the power of government be used to browbeat those who disagree with you? Should the power of government be used to pass laws “banning” anyone who holds a different view than you? Unfortunately most in New Jersey (and most in America today) believe it should be.
Chris Christie is trampling upon the constitutional free speech and freedom of religion rights granted to all Americans (including therapists). The pro-homosexual Christie is forcing his views on all the people by signing this law. If you happen to think homosexual behavior is destructive and even sinful (as Christie's own church does); then your views are banned in the New Jersey dictatorship. If you are a licensed counselor, who believes this way, and have a child struggling with what your church, your Bible, and your conscience tells you is a sin; then you are forbidden by the government to act upon your views. This is not American. This is not freedom. This is totalitarian control of thought and action. And Chris Christie is nothing more than an overbearing dictator in the mold of Stalin, Castro, and Hussein. Christie is saying in essence, “You will share my views on this matter, or you will be punished by the rule of law.” And this, ladies and gentlemen, is your possible Republican candidate for President in 2016. Which explains a lot of Christie's behavior.
Chris Christie is blatantly jockeying for a White House run in 2016. That became obvious when he sabotaged Mitt Romney at the Republican convention in 2012. For those who didn't see it, Christie was asked to give the “nominating” speech for Romney. What Christie did was get up and talk for thirty minutes about himself and all of his accomplishments as governor; while Romney sat stone-faced, looking like he'd been kicked in the stomach. I suspect Romney was discovering what a traitor Christie is.
A week before the election, Christie praised Barack Obama for his stellar response to Super Storm Sandy, a pathetic political move no doubt used by the governor to further damage Romney's chances. Now Christie is positioning himself as the ultimate candidate. Like most Republicans nowadays, he assumes the party needs to become more liberal. He figures in an election, conservatives will vote for him as the lesser of two evils because whoever wins the Democratic nomination (Hillary Clinton?) will have to be a far left ideologue. But as a “liberal” Republican, he assumes he will siphon enough votes away from the Democrats to win the White House. Incidentally this is what Romney and McCain both thought as well; and you can see how that turned out. Why would a liberal vote for a Republican, when they can eliminate any chance of conservative influence by simply sticking with the Democrat?
Recently Christie also attached Kentucky Senator Rand Paul because Paul spoke out against the NSA spying program. Christie said that libertarians like Paul are “dangerous” to America because they oppose this level of government intrusion into our lives. But I am much more concerned about the erosion of liberty perpetrated by the likes of Christie than I am the lack of security that might come from the government minding its own business. Sadly, in this day and age, we might be wise to fear the United States government just as much as we fear foreign enemies. The government, after all, has much easier access to our lives. And they have shown a willingness to punish those American citizens who disagree with them. Christie's “gay therapy” ban being the latest example of that.
In closing, I believe that Chris Christie has become a national joke and a governmental nightmare. If 2016 comes down to him vs. Hillary you might as well take a dime out of your pocket on election day and flip it to decide which liberal dictator to vote for. Also, let the dime remind you that there truly is not a “dime's worth of difference” between these two political hacks. I have grown weary of both Democrats and Republicans attacking our freedom with their political power. O, that we would once more have a leader who would protect the people instead of strong-arming them! O, that we might someday have a leader with the backbone of Patrick Henry who famously said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Few such leaders exist today. And even more disappointing, few American citizens would want such a leader. The people want a dictator who controls their lives because they fear what true freedom would be like. The people want a dictator who will enforce their views because they fear the idea of anyone else having a thought contrary to their own. The people want a dictator......and the people of New Jersey have one. And he's not that much different than the National dictator Obama. Perhaps someday America will be free again. But its unlikely to happen when the “political right” thinks like Christie does. Government “control” rules the day on both sides of the political aisle. And freedom takes another hit as yet another law is passed telling people how to think; and punishing them if they don't fall in line.
Amen - boggles my mind that people can so quickly and easily let their freedoms be taken away.
Posted by: Debi | August 20, 2013 at 06:31 PM
Hi Shane! Good to read you again. Somehow I got this link on my Facebook. Yes, I agree with you totally about Christie, and about dictators in the ranks. I am so glad there are still a few, like Rand Paul, who value liberty. I hadn't heard about this recent law he signed. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. May God be with you - -
Posted by: Scott | August 21, 2013 at 01:57 AM