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Clint Maust Jr

Three men who had a profound influence in my life are: Dr. C. John Miller, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Dr. Edmund Clowney of Westminster, and Harvey Conn.

Dr. Miller would have classes in the evening in which laymen and women could audit the same seminary classes as seminarians. It was through the Christian kindness of Mr. Herbert Hathaway that led me to attend these meetings.

[an historical footnote]
I was an Honorably discharged U.S. Marine sitting in the quaint charming room holding the small microphone of my Panasonic Panaject tape player carefully recording Dr. Miller's messages. Mr. Hathaway had the same Idea and sat beside me. Dr. Miller took note of us realizing that Dr. Van Till was retiring and that when Jesus would call him home; the wisdom which he learned throughout life would be lost. It was because of Mr. Hathaway and me who inspired Dr. Miller to suggest recording the messages and lectures at Westminster.]

One evening, some of the seminarians encouraged me to stay and we attended a special lecture by Cornelius Van Till. It was the last public discourse which he delivered before retiring.

Honestly, I don't remember much of what he said but I do remember impressions of the man with whom I became acquainted that evening. Christianity and reason are not incompatible. Christianity is rooted in history - The God who is there Providentially working through the agency of men.

He is one of the many men and women whom God brought into my life to experience His love and forgiveness.

It was a delightful privilege to have become acquainted with this wonderful gentleman.

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