The tea party darling and Texas Senator Ted Cruz has announced he is running for President. Like most political opportunists he's been positioning himself for this for some time. Those who would delve into politics typically have much ambition and even more ego. So it's no surprise that he's running. While I offer this article with no comment as to whether or not he's qualified per se; I do wonder if those on the political right will hold him to the same scrutiny they did Barack Obama regarding the birth issue.
There was (and is) much mystery surrounding the birthplace of the President. Many, who opposed his candidacy, declared that there was ample evidence to show that he was actually born in Kenya (rather than Hawaii) and was thus Constitutionally disqualified to serve as President. These opponents, who came to be known as “birthers” brought forth numerous pieces of “evidence” to show his Kenyan origin. And they might well have been right. But at this point, seven years into his administration, it is largely a moot point. Nevertheless I do wonder if the same people who are so high and hot about the Constitution will show equal consternation toward Cruz. It is no secret that Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada where his Cuban-born father was working in the oil industry. Cruz doesn't deny this, so it's not a “conspiracy theory” as is the case with Obama. I just wonder where all the outcry is from those on the right? If Obama was constitutionally disqualified for "allegedly" being born in a different country, then shouldn't Cruz be disqualified for "unambiguously" being born in a different country?
Cruz has addressed the issue and believes himself to be Constitutionally qualified. Since the written requirement is that the president be a “natural born citizen” Cruz has stated that his American born mother makes him “natural born.” In other words, he was an American citizen at birth and thus did not need to go through a “naturalization” process. Of course the same would be true for Obama since his mother was born in Kansas. (Woops!)
My point is not to criticize Cruz, nor to defend Obama. While I have more in common with the former (Cruz), I am no fan of either. But I find the double standard to be glaring and think it should be pointed out for the hypocrisy that it is. In truth, whether or not the Presidency should require a “natural born citizen” could easily be debated; but it's not a debate I care to enter in this article. In the end, birthplace matters little; who can work the system seems to matter most. Obama, with a questionable and mysterious background, managed to slide into the White House fairly easily. Cruz will have a much tougher time; but you never know. What I do know is that he was born in Canada. And some of the loudest voices who blasted Obama as a “foreigner” are now strangely silent when the candidate in question is one that they like. The old expression certainly rings true in this case, “It all depends on whose ox is getting gored.”
To be honest, something about Cruz gives me the “creeps.” A recent television ad of his looked like a stereo typical ad straight out of propaganda central casting: complete with staged family prayers, waving American flags, soldiers in uniform, awkward slow-motion hugs, and the candidate invoking the name “Jesus” for good measure. A blatant appeal to the “Christian” right; that sadly most on the “Christian” right will blindly fall for. In thirty seconds he managed to portray all the things that makes many on the right salivate. Even the most ardent supporters should have seen the ad as corny, if not worse. Maybe he's as genuine as the day is long. But I'm skeptical. Too much ambition. Too little true accomplishments. And a general appearance of political sleaziness makes Cruz hard to swallow in my opinion. For all his attacks on Obama he actually has a lot in common with him. Including the question of his birthplace. Much remains unknown about Cruz. This much we do know. He was born in Canada. Will the “birthers” who were livid at the idea of a socialist Kenyan in the oval office have a problem with a “conservative” (so called) Canadian? If not, then the hypocrisy will ring loud and clear. And the credibility of the Cruz crowd will rightly be called into question. Stay tuned.
P.S. --- Here is the syrupy Cruz ad.....