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David H.J. Gay

My name is David Gay, and I was the speaker at the Olive Branch Conference to which Lynda referred. Alas, she would not allow me to post this on her blog. Perhaps it might fit here?

"Yes, I did say I rejected the covenant of works because the word covenant is not found in Gen. 1 – 3. But I think I said, ‘for a start, I reject...’. And of course, I accept that trinity is not found in the Bible. But the question is, is the concept found there. Perhaps the lady would show us where the covenant of works is found written large in Scripture – parallel to trinity, justification by faith alone, particular redemption and such like, none of which appear in Scripture. And, remember, CT claim that the COW is fundamental to their case.

As for name calling with baby baptism – I was quoting a leading advocate of infant baptism, the late David Wright of Edinburgh – that was his terminology for his practice and for those who were with him. He was trying to wake them up to what was going on and get them to mean what they say.

As for believer's baptism and CT, those who advocate that system have some big problems to cope with.

Talk of ‘the moral law’ needs justification. Talk about hermeneutics!

I have answered Lynda very fully in my Christ is All if she cares to read and review that. In 4 short addresses at Olive Branch it was not possible to cover all the ground."

Shane Kastler

Thanks David. I've posted your comment.

Shane Kastler

David -- I appreciate you clarifying the issue on my blog site. I too posted a response to Lynda's website, but my response wasn't allowed either. It seems as though her rules are very strict as to who can post comments. It's almost "legalistic." (Ha ha, sorry, I couldn't resist). Thanks again for your comments. I hope she reads your book "Christ is All." I think it would crystallize the issue very much.

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