The ISIS inspired Orlando massacre of gays creates quite a dilemma for Barack Obama because he has been a total tool for both groups. After his second inauguration in 2012 he declared “gay rights” to be one of his top three priorities in his next term. Even for a pro-gay president that seems astronomically high on a priority list that might have included a weak economy, a crumbling national infrastructure, out of control federal spending, and (dare I say it) the daily slaughter of innocent children through abortion. But in Obama’s mind, all of these pale in importance to gay rights. OK? So the president force feeds all things gay on the American people. He lights the White House up in rainbow colors. He panders to gays like no other group. Except for maybe Muslims. The other group Obama is so enamored with. Of course his love for Muslims is rooted in the fact that he is one. At least he was raised as one by both his natural father and his step-father. This is not the fodder of conspiracy theorists, this is a well-known fact. When he was being raised in Indonesia under the name Barry Sotero, he was a practicing Muslim. Now he claims to be a Christian, but no one who has ever read the Bible would mistake him for a true believer. He holds to virtually no theological positions that are Christian and he disdains what Christianity teaches as holy, while praising what Christianity teaches is sinful. Regardless of what he may claim publicly, his sympathies clearly lie with Islam. So what does he do when an ISIS Muslim slaughters 50 gays in Florida? Rather than condemn Islam (which teaches homosexuality is an abomination), or condemn gays (as true Islamic teaching would demand); Obama will simply opt for door number three. He will defend both groups, and blame the guns. A lack of gun control will be Obama’s scapegoat here. But the presence of gun control might be partially to blame for the extent of the tragedy. Let me explain.
If the Orlando shooter had pulled his stunt in a "Cowboy" bar instead of a "Gay" bar there would have probably been two shots fired. His initial shot, then the shot of a patron taking him out. Gays are typically liberal, which is to say ANTI-gun, which is to say pro-Obama. And Obama is clearly pro-Muslim. The gay community should wake up to the worthlessness of their president. And the anti-gun crowd should wake up to the deadly fallacy of gun control. The attack was by ISIS. Obama will blame guns. Obama is pathetic. And Hillary will follow his lead and parrot the attack on inanimate guns, rather than condemn genuine, living, evil people. Hillary is nothing more than a manlier version of Obama. Which is intended to be a criticism of both of them (in case you missed it).
Furthermore, "Gun Free Zones" create mass congregations of sitting ducks for would be assassins. Notice the ease with which the Orlando killer mowed down his victims. Nor is the legality of fully automatic weapons the problem since making them illegal would mean nothing to a criminal mind anyway. Guns will always be available to those who want them bad enough and it's a well known fact that tightening gun laws does nothing but prevent innocent people from protecting themselves. Gun free zones and gun control laws have been a boon for murderers. These laws have made their sinister job much easier. It is time to wake up to this fact.
I suspect the Orlando shooting will cause many in the homosexual community to give pause to their unquestioned support of Democrats. Perhaps this painful episode will show them that robbing guns from the innocent does nothing to thwart the guilty. And expecting law enforcement to protect you from every attack is completely unfeasible. Average citizens must be armed if attacks like these are ever hoped to be averted. Obama and Hillary stand directly in the way of protecting all citizens, gays included. And even the gays should wake up to this fact. I suspect some will and I suspect some will support Donald Trump, who has been the rare Republican candidate that hasn’t alienated the gay community. He speaks tough against terrorism, but that might just appeal to the gay community after Orlando. Obama and Hillary are worthless to them now. They cannot and will not be able to protect them, because the greatest protection any person has is to arm themselves. And this, the Democrats simply cannot stand. It’s hard to control and cajole a people who are armed.
The dirty, little secret in the Muslim community is that true Muslims hate homosexuals. They see it as an abhorrent and unnatural practice. They are right. But they also see it as their divine right to execute them. They are wrong. For quite some time, I have wondered when the Islamic attacks would begin on gays. It looks like it’s started now. And so it begins. And more will come. ISIS claims credit for this one. What else may ISIS do to American citizens? What will Obama or Hillary do to stop them? Apparently they feel that taking Alabama Bubba’s 12 gauge from him will curb the terrorism. Excuse me for not seeing the connection there.
The truth is politicians don’t have solutions. The best we can hope for from them is for them to stay out of the way and let us live our lives and protect ourselves as best we can. The government doesn’t exist to protect us, but rather to protect our liberties. And to the extent they fail in this endeavor, they are worthless. Police play a role in protecting citizens, but they are not the first line of defense against domestic terrorism. An armed populace is the first line of defense. If someone walks into your place of business with guns blazing, you can call the cops and wait for them to come take you to the morgue. Or you can shoot the assailant and wait for the District Attorney to decide if he will harass you with charges for protecting yourself. This is America today. And it needs to change.
Obama has been an 8-year disaster on countless fronts, including individual liberties. He has ruled like a dictator and flung executive orders at us with constancy. Hillary will do the same. Those who want your guns, want your freedom. And those who want your freedom want control of every aspect of your life. The gay community had better wake up and realize the pro-Muslim Democrats are not their friends. They may seem nice when they are bullying the rest of the country into accepting their lifestyle. But they don’t have the spine to stand up to the Muslims. They simply blame the guns and pay little attention to the Muslim who just pulled the trigger of that gun and left you in a pool of blood. All sides should unite for liberty, especially as it pertains to our right to protect ourselves by bearing arms. America will be safer. Gays will be safer. Everyone will be safer. Except the miscreants who seek to do harm. They have the upper hand now. Obama has given it to them; and Hillary promises to keep giving it to them. The American people can rot. This is the Obama way. But now, it’s affecting one of his prize constituencies. Here’s to hoping America wakes up, before it is too late.
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this article reflect my own personal views and not necessarily the views of any organization to which I am affiliated.