Laughter is an unusual act when you think about it. To have your emotions so affected by humor or joy that it causes you to make loud noises and cackle is a funny thought in itself. Of course laughter can be either good or bad. We might laugh in a sinful manner by ridiculing someone. Or we might laugh in a righteous manner, from a God-given joy. While we might think of laughter as a “worldly” emotional act, the truth is laughter was created and given to us by God. And Jesus speaks of there being laughter in Heaven.
In one of Jesus’ most well-known sermons he said this, “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.” (Luke 6:21) What was Jesus talking about? Is this a guarantee that everyone who is sad today will be happy tomorrow? Not at all. But it is a promise to those who know the Lord that the worldly sorrows they face are not eternal. Our joy, however, will be eternal. Let’s face the facts. Life is hard and is filled with sorrows. But all of the sorrows of this life are mere passing fancies for the believer. We shall be forever happy in Heaven; and amazingly we shall laugh.
While you no doubt think of Heaven as a place of joy, you probably don’t think of it as a place of laughter. What is going to be so funny in Heaven? The Bible doesn’t necessarily give us specifics; but I suspect that there will be laughter in Heaven that transcends any emotion we’ve known in this life. The Bible does say, "No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) When we are mesmerized on a constant basis by the glory of God we will experience a vast range of emotions. Maybe even emotions we have never experienced on earth. Heaven is another realm. It’s another world. It’s a condition different than what we know now. Here we sometimes weep. In Heaven our weeping will be turned to joy.
The promise of future laughter doesn’t apply to everyone. The sermon in which Jesus makes this promise is specifically addressed to “his disciples.” (Luke 6:20) This would apply to all who are followers of him, but it wouldn’t apply to any who don’t follow him. The Bible is clear that apart from Christ, there is nothing but eternal misery to look forward to. Christians may experience temporal sadness in this life, but they will be comforted. Non-Christians may experience temporal happiness, but happiness rooted in worldliness will not last. This world is temporary, but Heaven and Hell are eternal.
Do you weep today? Do you know Christ in a saving way? Have you turned from your sin in repentance and trusted in Christ by faith? If so, then take heart. Today you may cry, but in the future you will laugh. One day your joy will be complete, because one day you will be in the very presence of the God who created you and saved you. It is amazing to think about, but overwhelmingly comforting: “Blessed are you who weep……..for you shall laugh.” Thanks Jesus. I needed a laugh today and I look forward to laughing forever in Heaven.