A good analogous contrast to describe life on earth is “darkness and light.” Prior to becoming a Christian we are said to live in spiritual darkness. Colossians 1:13 says that believers are “transferred from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of God’s beloved Son.” And, on the night in which Jesus was betrayed He said to those who arrested Him, “This hour and the power of darkness are yours.” (Luke 23:53) If you are not a genuine, born again, follower of Jesus Christ; then you live your life in spiritual darkness. You might think you are in the light; but the light you think you have is deceptive. There is no light and there is no life apart from knowing and loving Jesus as Savior, Master, King, and Lord of your life. The Bible beckons you to come to the light and be saved.
Yet even after one becomes a Christian, they still face seasons of “darkness” in their life. They know longer live as a permanent resident in spiritual darkness; but they go through times of sadness, trials, suffering, and depression. These also might be described as darkness. But for the believer, these seasons are passing. They are temporal. They will not last forever because, as a believer, you are a child of the light. The Psalmist wrote, “Light arises in the darkness for the upright; He is gracious and compassionate and righteous.” (Psalm 112:4 NASB) This is a sweet reminder, that when we are seeking God’s will in the midst of a trial, He can and often does show us the way in which we should go. And He comforts us through it all. He is our light and He will shine forth for us, even when things seem darkest.
Perhaps you are facing a season of darkness in your life right now. This sin-cursed world we live in is filled with problems, even for the believer. But, as a believer, you should daily remind yourself that you belong to the Kingdom of Christ and in due time the Lord will remove the dark trial you face and light will once again shine upon you. Even in the midst of the trial, the Lord is with you giving the needed strength to persevere.
So if you are an unbeliever; then turn from your sin and come to the light. There is no hope apart from Jesus. And if you are a believer who is facing a dark trial right now; hold on and keep looking to the Lord. The darkness shall pass and the light will return in God’s perfect timing. “Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)