By Shane Kastler
It is interesting to consider what some names mean. In times past, the names parents chose for their children were often significant. It was either a common name in the family, or the name was attached to hopes the parents had for the child. Also in the past (just as today) people sometimes attained nicknames later in life based on their behavior.
Jesus called his disciples James and John the “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17) and he is the one who referred to Peter as “the Rock.” (John 1:42) Likewise, an early leader in the church named Joseph was nicknamed Barnabas (which means “Son of Encouragement”) because of his encouraging nature (Acts 4:36).
The New Testament tells us of a very effective gospel preacher named Apollos. The Bible says, “Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.” (Acts 18:24) Apollos was obviously very gifted, but it is interesting to consider why a Jew would be named “Apollos” since “Apollo” (the root word of the name) was the mythological Greek and Roman god of the sun. Why would a Jew be named after a pagan god?
One possible answer could be that Apollos was a nickname. The Greek word “Apollyon” means destroyer, and it could be that Apollos had garnered such a fierce reputation as a debater that he was given a nickname to match his character.
After becoming better acquainted with the gospel, the Bible tell us Apollos went to Corinth where he “greatly helped those who had believed through grace, for he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, demonstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.” (Acts 18:27) It appears anyone who tried to publicly debate Apollos lost. And lost big time. It seems as though Apollos destroyed the arguments of the Jews who spoke against Christ and in so doing he greatly bolstered the faith of new Christians.
Preachers can’t get you into Heaven. But they can tell you how to get there. Apollos preached Christ and you should embrace his message. Christ alone can save. It is interesting that Apollos the Destroyer preached the only message that will keep you from destruction. Listen to Apollos. Trust in Christ, and be saved.