You might assume that the primary people God uses are those in public ministry, but that is not the case. It is not primarily pastors, evangelists, missionaries, or denominational leaders that God uses. It is primarily those who do not serve in vocational ministry at all. One such example from Scripture is the married couple, Priscilla and Aquila.
The Bible tells us that this couple had to flee their home in Rome due to the persecution that broke out under Claudius Caesar (Acts 18:1-3). All Jews and Christians were expelled from the city, and Priscilla and Aquila made their way to Corinth. While there, they met and teamed up with the Apostle Paul. At first Paul worked with them, because they were all “tent makers” a common trade in the first century. Eventually, Paul began devoting himself completely to ministry, while Priscilla and Aquila continued to work their trade while also supporting and serving the church.
The three of them eventually moved on to Ephesus, where Priscilla and Aquila continued their quiet, yet effective ministry. On one occasion, a very eloquent preacher named Apollos came on the scene. Priscilla and Aquila heard him preach accurately, but incompletely. He was only aware of Christian teaching, up to the baptism of John. In other words he knew nothing of the earthly life of Jesus, his miracles, the cross, the resurrection, or the ascension. The Bible says, “they took him aside and explained the way of God more accurately.” (Acts 18:26) Apollos gladly received the correction and continued to serve the church in a public role. Priscilla and Aquila remained behind the scenes, but their influence was widely felt as they helped disciple a man who would go on to be greatly used of God in preaching and defending the faith.
Christianity is all about knowing Christ. And once you know Christ in a saving way, then you should devote your life to serving him. This doesn't mean you must be a vocational minister. But it does mean that you belong to the Lord and you seek His glory, no matter what line of work you are in. Priscilla and Aquila give us a stellar example of quiet, steady faithfulness in the face of persecution. We too should long to serve the Lord and care nothing for self-glory. May God be glorified in our lives, as we are increasingly forgotten. Let Christ shine forth, and others see Him rather than us.
Note: To hear an audio sermon on Priscilla and Aquila, CLICK HERE.