I love a good protest as much as the next man does. In fact, because of my libertarian streak, I probably enjoy seeing protests against the government even more than most do. And I believe people have the right to protest all they want. But my “rational” streak causes me to take pause at times and question those involved in some protests. Such is the case with the numerous NFL players who chose to kneel and ignore the national anthem on Sunday. My question to them would be: What EXACTLY are you protesting? I’m certain that most of them could not give a coherent answer. The examples that I’ve heard are very much non-sensical, and even laughable. I heard one player say, “It’s not very often in life you get a chance to take a stand on something important, so I want to take advantage of this opportunity.” Actually, you can take a stand on important issues everyday of your life, if you have the guts for it. But most people don’t. Most people follow the crowd like lemmings, and moo when all the other cows moo. That’s what most of these players seem to be doing. They are bandwagon protestors who don’t even know why they are protesting. Because in truth, there is no good reason for it.
Some have said they are protesting “oppression.” Colin Kaepernick, the former backup quarterback for the 49ers claimed this was his reason for kneeling last season, saying: “America refuses to address the pervasive evil of white cops killing black men, and I will not stand during a national anthem that honors the flag of such a country!” Of course his mantra of “white cops killing black men” doesn’t hold water. Statistically speaking, the amount of black men killed by white cops is almost non-existent, when compared to the amount of black men killed by other black men. Furthermore, if Kaepernick and the NFL is so concerned about the plight of black men, why are they not EVEN MORE concerned about the thousands of deaths of defenseless black children, each year through abortion? Could it be, that to them, only CERTAIN black lives matter? I don’t see a lot of NFL players protesting the extermination of babies, perhaps because they wish to reserve the right to kill any which they inadvertently father. With that said, protesting against abortion would be a worthy protest. If only these players were kneeling and proclaiming, “We protest against a nation that allows the barbaric extermination of babies!” But no, these men would have you believe that THEY are oppressed, and others like them.
And this is where the “laughable” part comes in. Multi-millionaires would have you believe that they live in a country that oppresses THEM. They would have you believe that they live in a country that is deeply racist against THEM. A country, mind you, where they get paid seven-figure salaries to play a game. In a league full of millionaires that is 70% black. Hmmm. That seems to be an inordinately high number, given the fact that blacks make up about 15% of the general population. Perhaps the “affirmative action” folks should be protesting. Are whites being discriminated against? Should we demand that 70% of the NFL be white? I wouldn’t expect to see anyone “kneeling in protest” for this anytime soon. Nor would I want them to. The best players should play, regardless of color. And as a rule, there are more good players who are black, than those who are white. This is because not all people are equal (but that’s a topic for another day). This statement also makes me a “racist” in FAVOR OF black athletes. But I don’t suspect anyone will protest that either.
Liberals love to dream up non-sensical jargon to justify their grievances. Such examples of ridiculous words and phrases are: “Social justice” “racial oppression” and “homophobia.” The NFL is on the “racial oppression” bandwagon now, but the facts don’t align with their rhetoric. While many blame Donald Trump for this problem, it actually started long before he took office. In a prescient article on this issue, Pat Buchanan points out: “Trump is taking a beating from owners, players and press for being “divisive.” But he did not start this fight or divide the country over it. Kaepernick did, and the players who emulated him, and the coaches and owners who refuse to declare whether insulting the flag is now permissible behavior in the NFL.”
Buchanan also predicts that Trump will be proven right. Fans are fed up with the spoiled antics of pampered millionaires, and will likely show their displeasure by shunning the league. This remains to be seen. What is clear is that, for all their bravado the NFL is a league full of illogical cowards who simply adhere to progressive talking points. The media fuels them. Lots of politicians fuel them. Today, sadly, even formerly “conservative” Christian leaders pour “racism” fuel on the smoldering fire of ignorance. But the average American has had enough. Black millionaires, who just spent eight years with a black U.S. President, claiming that blacks are oppressed. Sorry, but folks aren't buying it. Because it's non-sense.
Like it or not, this is partly what got Trump elected. And while you may question his judgement, you cannot question the fact that he often says exactly what he thinks, and many Americans agree with him. This doesn’t make him (and them racist). It does make them tired of the constant airing of grievances by groups who have much more in this country than they would have anywhere else in the world. Buchanan concludes his article with this: “In terms of fame and fortune, no professions have proven more rewarding for young black American males than the NFL and the NBA. Whether or not they soil their nest, is up to them.” Time will tell.