From a policy standpoint, Donald Trump has been described as the most pro-life President in history. If he does nothing else to support the cause of life, his appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court will have been well worth his election. Trump spoke openly about his opposition to abortion, even during the campaign, when he told of how his formerly liberal views had changed years ago after a friend's ultrasound. Some say he changed his views to gain conservative votes, yet this doesn't seem to be Trump's style at all. For the most part, he is more than willing to offend both liberals and conservatives by stating his views unabashedly. One might think that his strong pro-life stance would, at the very least, earn a nod from evangelical Christian leaders. Yet many have railed against Trump from day one, ignoring his policy positions while constantly besmirching him for his coarse language and rough mannerisms. It's almost as though, many Christians are more concerned about their personal feelings than they are a baby's heartbeat. This speaks to the hyper-sensitive country that 21st century America has largely become, and the fact that we are all too often led by effeminate male leaders and feministic female ones, who loathe Trump because he is everything that they are not.
Political office holders are notorious for speaking out of both sides of their mouths. Many of the prim and proper charlatans on Capitol Hill can schmooze their constituencies and the press, with flowery and flattering language. Even while they are pushing corrupt and even murderous legislation through the halls of congress. But the average American is only cognizant of the outward appearances. As long as the politician is polite, then who cares if he or she is corrupt? And in many cases, the corruption goes unreported anyway, because of a compliant media that loathes Trump just as much as the establishment politicians do.
A small group of elitists tell most Americans what to think. And most Americans blindly comply to what their self-proclaimed masters tell them to think. Sadly, this even happens within religious circles where denominational leaders, who are cozy with establishment politicians, take their marching orders from Washington. Then pass them on to pastors, who are either too naive to think for themselves, or too cowardly to stand up to higher-ups in the denomination. The pastors then, pass on the marching orders to the congregations, who either blindly follow the blind, or risk being seen as a boat-rocker for pointing out what should be blatantly obvious: While Trump's mannerisms might be rough, his actual policies have been very pro-life, and even pro-Christian. He's stood up for religious liberty. He's spoken out against countries that kill Christians, and he's defended the lives of the unborn. Yet this is often ignored by Christians. Why? Because his language hurts their feelings. To this I would say, “Get over yourselves people!” A baby's life is more important than your delicate sensibilities.
This is not to say that I always approve of Trump's words or even his actions. But it is to say that he is often portrayed much worse than he actually is and most people take the establishment's bait on Trump. A perfect example would be the hubbub that arose over his supposed use of a derogatory term to describe certain third world countries. First of all, his point seemed obvious, that some countries are in massive disarray. They have corrupt governments, sky-high crime rates, and non-existent economic stability. In a PRIVATE meeting, you or I might call these countries “destitute” or “dysfunctional” or maybe even “dumps” or “rat holes.” Trump used a different, yet similar word and the media, politicians, and other so-called leaders went ballistic. Of course he wasn't insulting every person from those countries, but rather the ruling powers of the countries themselves. Only the most hyper-sensitive and hyper-critical would have taken it any other way. And of course, most people know Trump's comments were correct. We send millions of dollars in aid to these countries. Why? Not because of how pristine and stable they are! These countries are a mess and everyone knows they are. Should he have used different words? Yes. But it should also be noted that he was in a private meeting with other governmental “leaders” – one of which, the sleazy Senator Dick Durbin from Illinois, ran to the press as quick as he could, to report what Trump allegedly said. Anyone who has ever been in any place of leadership knows that private meetings are private for a reason. And the need to speak candidly in private should be respected by all those in attendance. It is hard to hammer out policy differences and state opinions clearly, when some of the attendees behave like children running to gossip about words used in the meeting itself. The greater outcry should be over Durbin's antics rather than Trump's words. But I digress.
Though Trump has many warts, Christians should rejoice that pro-life policies are emanating from the White House. Yet some pine for the days of Barack Obama, the polite and polished abortionist. Or worse, they bemoan the fact that Hillary, the vicious and vile queen of corruption was shockingly defeated in the last election. Sadly, many Americans prefer their overlords to be polished liars (Obama), country club elitists (Bush), or chummy good ole' boys (Bill Clinton). Blunt truth will not be tolerated. Rather than longing for evil, Christians should be glad that unborn lives are respected in America again. Christians should rediscover the lost art of discernment and realize that they are dealing with a President who is not a Christian, but who regularly defends them. And Christian leaders should encourage their people to “pray for those in authority, so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives” (1 Tim. 2:2) and be glad that life is respected again at the White House.
Trump is not the first president to bluntly speak his mind. Harry Truman was famous for it as well, but that was a much different America. At least from a sensitivity standpoint. Back then, Americans knew the world was an ugly place. They knew that sometimes leaders had to use strong words and make hard decisions. And, while they may have disagree with the decisions made, they were far less likely to wear their feelings on their sleeves. Today's Americans need to toughen up, and this includes American Christians. The world is not a Sunday school class, and Trump is not your pastor. So don't expect him to be. He has a tough job and every sector of the population has people lined up to oppose him. He uses tough words, sometimes too tough. He has many faults, but in some ways he has also been a blessing to the nation. God delivered us from Obama and spared us from Hillary. He didn't give us a perfect president, indeed there were no perfect options. But he gave us a defender of life. Christians should unite in celebration of this truth and pray for the flawed, yet courageous man that God has appointed to lead this nation for such a time as this.
Great commentary! Open & honest....I wish we lived in a world where truth was valued! Amen!
Posted by: Jade Rembert | January 19, 2018 at 10:17 PM
Christians I'm sorry to say can be so stupid. Where were they when Obama did all the damage he did on a weekly basis with his cool clean smile? And when Hillary has done here ungodliness right in front of their faces. Practically not even a peep. Now we have a man who has done so many things right but is being cut down by self righteous hypocrites because he's said some things. It's so irritating. Deal withungodly unbelievers, now gotta deal with ungodly Christian never Trumpets. Lord help us.
Posted by: Paul Gonzales | January 22, 2018 at 02:27 PM
Thank you one thousand times for this! I was engaged in a conversation with someone over this very issue yesterday. I asked her to consider the fact that maybe much of this was calculated. She could not even entertain that idea! It was how mean and uncouth he was. So of course there was no way I was going to bring up that men doing business can be pretty rough, lol. Sheesh I felt like hitting my head on the nearest wall. I did bring up that Durbin is a known liar. No it was all about mean, nasty Trump. She even told me she wanted him to succeed, but he needed to stop sabotaging himself! Women leading men is what this is and so many do not see it. It has poisoned a vast majority of our churches here in America and much of it is so subtle. This woman, my friend is actually very conservative and she would be shocked if I told her that she was part of the problem of feminism in the church.
Posted by: J | January 23, 2018 at 09:28 AM
As a christian, are you choosing to ignore the unchristian values of Trump because he is supposedly pro-life? Where are you when he (and so many supposed Christian men) chooses to engage in extra marital affairs in a irresponsible way that would lead to an unwed mother facing the decision of abortion or having to raising another child that is toxic to society? Superficial and unthinking! BTW, as a former Illinoisan, I totally agree with Dick Durbin's actions.
Posted by: CC | February 23, 2018 at 12:22 PM