Death is the one aspect of life that everyone faces, yet no one wants to think about. It is “hard wired” into humans to seek life and avoid death. The fear of death is why we go to the doctor when we're sick, and why we got the cellar when a tornado is approaching. We want to live long and prosper. We want to be happy and healthy. And these are good desires to have. But death still approaches, and we had better be prepared for it.
While no one looks forward to the process of dying, Christians have the capacity to face death with a certain peaceful expectancy that unbelievers cannot know. The Apostle Paul spoke glowingly about the possibility of death because he knew that it meant he would depart this world of trial and tribulation and enter into the glorious presence of Christ. As he considered the thought of living or dying, he was honestly torn between the two prospects, saying, “I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better.” (Philippians 1:23) So how can a person face death with this level of peace? Only by knowing Christ.
The more we consider the glory that awaits us after the grave, the more our fear of death vaporizes into nothingness. Yes, we must die. And no, we do not relish the idea of pain, sickness, or suffering. But the thought of being in the presence of the Lord, in a place where there is no sin, sorrow, pain, or suffering; drives us to embrace death as a natural end to our earthly pilgrimage. And we do this with the full assurance that God will see us through the process. It has been said that “dying grace” is not given until dying grace is needed. But when it is needed, God always provides.
How long has it been since you've faced up to the reality of your approaching death? Are you ready to meet your Maker? If you do not know Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, then you are not adequately prepared for death. Just as sure as Heaven exists for believers, so too does Hell for the unbeliever, and both places last forever.
Examine your life and faith; and prayerfully consider whether or not you know the Lord. Turn from your sin in repentance and commit your life to Jesus Christ, by faith. Begin the process of discipleship today, so that the process of death will not overwhelm you tomorrow. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Death is coming, whether you like it or not. Stand ready to greet it with open arms, having Jesus by your side and in your heart.