By Shane Kastler
Are you righteous? Or are you a sinner? The fact is, you might be able to answer the question as “yes” in both cases. While the two words would seem to be opposites, there are people in this world who are righteous sinners. The “sinner” part is easy, because it applies to everyone by nature. As a result of being human, we are natural born sinners. Every single one of us displays a natural rebellion against God, on some level. The Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Jesus was once ridiculed by the Jewish Pharisees because he “ate and drank with sinners.” When questioned, Jesus response was simple and yet profound. “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17) So while Jesus was spending time with tax collectors and sinners, the religious leaders of the day shunned such people. They thought Jesus should also do this, and only associate with the “righteous.” Yet the great irony here, is that the ones who think themselves to be righteous, are not righteous at all. Jesus made it very clear that the Pharisees were self-righteous and uppity toward others. And such an attitude is in fact, quite sinful. The righteous were actually sinners, in desperate need of a savior, but their pride would not allow them to see this. But, by the grace of God, the lowly sinners of society were able to see their own unworthiness and Jesus's sufficiency as a savior.
Of course, when a sinner turns from their life of sin in repentance and commits their life to Christ by faith; they actually do become righteous. They receive credit for the perfect righteousness of Christ and are exonerated of their sin. As Jesus pays the price for it at the cross. Then, the new believer begins to have newfound desires for the things of God. Their righteous standing is seen in their righteous behavior. The very ones who were once spiritually dead, are now alive and bear fruit in accordance with their faith. The sinners have become righteous.
So are you righteous, or are you a sinner? There's no question that you are a sinner. But you can only be righteous through Christ. Commit your life to Him and turn your back on the sin that so easily entangles you. Look to Christ and point others His direction as well. The rewards will last the rest of this life, and beyond.