By Shane Kastler
It is easy to get very anxious about the world's events right now. Be it pandemics, or civil unrest, or the political wackiness that always seems to accompany an election year. And while we should do our part to make this world, and the nation we live in a better place; we must always remember that all things on earth are temporal. At least in their current state.
This might sound depressing when you hear it. Indeed, believers and unbelievers alike long for a happy and peaceful life on earth. But believers and unbelievers alike are marked for death eventually. This world is not going to continue down this same path forever. God will bring your life to an end one day; and in fact He will bring the world as we know it to an end one day. Are you prepared for this reality?
The Bible says, “Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” (Hebrews 13:14) No city on earth will last. No state will last. No nation will last. In the end, you'll have Christians and Non-Christians. And you'll have Heaven and Hell. And your relationship to Jesus, or lack thereof, will determine your eternal destiny.
The Bible calls us to repent of our sin and submit to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our life, placing our complete faith and trust in Him. He is the only route to the Father, and the only way to Heaven. And once we come to a place where we know Him, then we can rest in the assurance of our forgiveness and the reality that this world is not our home. But that we have an eternal and perfect home, in glory with the Lord. While we still seek to do the right thing regarding temporal affairs, we cling loosely to this world, and know a better life is awaiting us.
Deep down inside I long and hope that things return to normal. But then I realize if a return to normal means at worst, open and unashamed ungodliness. Or, at best, lukewarm, worldly Christianity, I too am falling into the devil's trap. I think it's safe to say that we are under God's judgment. And rather than long for a return to our old way of living, it would be much better to listen what God has to say to us and learn the lessons He wants to teach us.
Posted by: Phillip Mezzapelle | August 04, 2020 at 11:53 AM