By Shane Kastler
As Christians, we believe the Bible to be the very “Word of God.” Rather than simply being a valuable, historical book; or even an example of classical literature, the Bible is divinely-inspired. This means that God led the authors of scripture to write what He wanted written. From a spiritual perspective, this makes the Bible a gold mine for sinners seeking salvation, and for believers seeking to know God's will. But simply believing the Bible to be God's Word is not enough. We should embrace what the Bible teaches, and live our lives accordingly.
In New Testament times, many Jewish leaders revered the scriptures but refused to live by what they said. Jesus confronted them, saying, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.” (John 5:39-40) Notice the nuance in what Jesus is saying. The Jewish leaders believed that eternal life resulted from their “belief in the scriptures.” But simply believing the Bible does not save you, rather salvation comes from the content revealed within the scriptures. Owning a book that tells you how to build a house, will not give you a house. But owning a book that tells you how to build a house, will give you a house if you act upon that which is written. The same is true regarding belief in Jesus.
We are saved “by grace through faith” in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). The scriptures reveal this to be true. God graciously grants spiritual life to some people in an act known as “regeneration” (also known as being born again). The result of regeneration is that people are freed from their slavery to sin, turn from their life of sin, and submit their life to Christ by faith. This new life is then reflected in a lifetime of loving obedience unto the Lord.
Don't kid yourself into thinking a mere mental affirmation that you “believe in the Bible” is the same thing as believing in Jesus Christ. The Jewish leaders “searched the scriptures” and were the “Bible thumpers” of their day; as they added to God's law, so as to bind their fellow man with extra rules the Bible did not contain. Likewise, many wrongly assumed they would attain eternal life by their deeds, as they adhered to God's law. But the part they missed was the part about Jesus; and indeed this is ultimately what all of the scriptures are about. The Bible culminates in Christ, and rejection of him is eternally fatal.
Don't be an unregenerate Bible thumper. Search the scriptures, then act upon them. Trust in Christ to be saved, and enjoy the benefits of knowing him as you await the day you'll forever be in his presence.